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Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Today We've All Been Tasered

College Pigs Deck Campus Loudmouth At Non-Event
Former Presidential Hopeful Pleads [For] 5th (Of Bourbon) Mastering Art Of Speaking While Still Asleep (At The Wheel [Again])
America's Future Looks On And Laughs At Totalitarianism

Oh well. It's only freedom. So I'll try to keep this brief.

Was Meyer an annoying little prick who was out for attention? Probably. He's a journalism major. How could he not be? Was he out of line and out of line? Looks like it. He's a journalism major. How could he not be? Did some of those cops want to punch him in the face? I know I did. Journalism's been on vacation since 1972.

Still, there's a pretty big difference between wanting to punch someone in the face and actually punching someone in the face. It's called democracy. Democracy is probably the worst form of government on the planet, earth, because it's both really hard to maintain and nearly impossible to enforce. Democracy is having to listen to someone advocating things that make you sick to your stomach while at the same time lobbying till you're completely spent for that person's inalienable right to be advocating those very things that make you sick to your stomach.

I.e., it's not that this whole thing is a slippery slope. It's that this whole thing means we've already slid down the slope and are currently trying to claw our way back up the slope while some mongoloid storm trooper is, that's right, tasering us in the gonads.

Don't get me wrong: I'm one of those adopted southerners who'd like to see "Separate but equal" given another shot at primetime. But if you're at all familiar with Gainesville, then you're at all familiar with the people I work/play/live with. In other words ("i.e."), they'd would've laughed at someone, and let's not by coy about this, being tortured with an electrical device.

I'm no lawyer (Word on the street is that there may be 2 or 3 ambulance chasers posting right here on The New Fray!) , but the last time I checked, you couldn't be cuffed by Johnny Longarm for being annoying. If that were the case, then Best of the Fray would look like Dispatches From the Martha Stewart Trial. (I miss it. I really do.)

That whole "freedom of speech" bit? I'm against it. You should already know that. If you don't, you're reading the wrong people.

Perhaps a better approach [apologies/thanks to ThyGoddess]:

"Hi, Senator Kerry. I wore flipflops in your honor. I have 3 questions:

1.) Why didn't you contest the election results in South Florida, where, just like back in 2000, black people became felons overnight?
2.) If you can't impeach the president for invading the wrong country at the wrong time, can you initiate impeachment proceedings based on the fact that he's an idiot?
3.) When you were in Skull and Bones, was there some initiation process in which, when you're laying in that coffin masturbating, you have to pledge to be spineless turds for the rest of your life?

Thanks in advance for your candor. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go get tasered by people too stupid to realize it's their fundamental rights I'm trying to exercise. Didn't realize I'd actually be exorcising them."


rundeep said...

As I said on the wiki thing, before today's revelations that Meyer is a known "practical joker," I suspect that he's known on campus. And not known in a good way, but as in "mental." Cause any idiot who is a believer in genuine protest knows how not to provoke cops during an arrest. Plus, the students who were happy to see him get carried off? I'm betting at least some of them knew him.

Plus, as I said on BOTF, watch for the cops to say he hit them while on the floor and so they tasered him. Still stupid and rotten of the coppers, but you wait. And all the video will be "inconclusive." Cops should be fired, he should go free and then people should watch their step around him because he might be unbalanced.

PS -- Keifus is right. It's getting to be a PIA to follow everyone around. Gonna change my nic to Moses if this keeps up. Peace and love sweetie.

Keifus said...

That's not something you hear very often.

Seven Star Hand said...

Hey Swiiters,

The time for civility is long past. To manhandle and then taser-torture a student for asking questions, no matter how inconvenient, is evil, pure and simple.

Is true freedom for the rich only? Is the USA's constitution nothing more than an "Illuminated" deception? Sadly, all of the available evidence seems to prove it!

Here is Wisdom...

topazz said...

I think you should leave this topic and move on to OJ, like all the other blogs. Latest development is that Rich Little (currently headlining at the Sands) was alledgedly impersonating OJ's voice in that hotel room. Fact or fallacy? Let's explore it.